Saturday, April 10, 2010


I know I probably should have had my boys doing this years ago, but there is a 'certain' way I like things done. But recently I have realized that I need to let that go! My boys will one day be missionaries and husbands, if I don't teach them to do the dishes the right way, who will?

Carson doing his part...the silverware!
Brandon is tall for his age, but not quite tall enough to reach the cupboards from the floor (haha)
Carson was SO focused on doing it right, I loved that!
Brandon has ALWAYS been a good helper.


Adrienne said...

sweet!!! LOL girl, teach 'em young! That's awesome! What good boys, helping there mama!

Amy said...

Good for you.

Thomas will vac the rug. Every time I try to let it go. I don't need perfect lines, I need happy kids.

Anonymous said...

Amie at 20 months "helps" unload the dish washer (she will pick up cups or plates and hand them to me, clean or dirty) and I have this swivel sweeper that she HAS TO be in charge of (it's kind of like a vacuum)
It's a lot of fun to have her help!